Wednesday, September 11, 2013


we have arrived in stockholm after an overall uneventful trip... a quick recap: we left brevard around noon on tuesday, arriving at the atlanta airport strategically before the daily hellaciousness of commuter traffic. it took us a second to figure out the longterm parking situation but we parked and then had about 6 hours to kill before our plane departed. personally, that's how i like to do things; i would always take arriving way early to being in a frantic hurry.

anyways, first plane ride was totally bland. i will say that british airways has some of the most authentically chipper flight attendants in the world and i did not mind one bit when they talked over the PA in their delightful accents. i usually want to throttle the flight attendants when they get on the speakers. the flight was cramped and per usual i couldn't sleep a wink, and contorted in some really interesting positions.

we were crunched for time for our connecting flight to stockholm from heathrow. it seemed impossible, with about 15 minutes to find our gate and actually physically get there. what you need to know is that we ran like crazy people through the world's most labrynthine airport, being funneled through SECURITY AGAIN (!!!) and finally making it to our gate without a moment to spare.

we have arrived in stockholm. at last. i feel like i drank an entire handle of tequila to myself and my bag is still somewhere in london, so i have been sporting this same attractive outfit of travel friendly stretch pants for over 24 hours.

im going to bring this entry to an abrupt end while i attend to my ferocious exhaustion. but sweden, we are here!

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